Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tulisa's ex-boyfriend admits to leaking THAT sex tape

If we ever needed any more proof Tulisa's ex-boyfriend Justin Edwards (aka MC Ultra) is a ratbag we have it.

According to reports the former MC and current douchebag has admitted responsibility for leaking the sex tape that caused Tulisa so much heartache and embarrassment.
The barrister at the hearing of the case looking into the release of that naughty tape told the judge, a very important sounding Mr Justice Tugendhat, "Mr Edwards has admitted responsibility for publication of the video, apologised for it, and promised not to do it again."
We blimmin' well hope he won't do it again! He'd be an extremely stupid boy to make that mistake again, right, heatworlders?
X Factor judge Tulisa's career was rocked when, earlier in the year, a sordid tape surfaced of the star and her ex-boyfriend (Justin) having, ahem, relations. Tulisa bravely posted her own response to the video on YouTube denying leaking the video and publicly naming and shaming the man she believed had.
On the day the video was leaked Justin tweeted the following, denying responsibility.
"I didn't wanna say anything on the subject but I see peoples imagination running away. it's nothing to do with me. backtowork."
Hmm. Well someone is going to have a terrible case of tongue pimples.
Since the video Tulisa has refused to hide away from the media, instead releasing her hit We Are Young along with a video of the singer running riot around hotels with her faithful gang of pals.
Tulisa also made sure her ex knew exactly how she felt about him when, over the weekend, she took to the stage at Wireless shouting to the crowd,
"Put your middle fingers up to my ****head ex, Justin f****** Edwards. Ladies, don't ever let any man pull you down, because I'm still f****** standing."
What do you think of this new development, heatworlders?

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