Thursday, July 12, 2012

One Year After the Death Jacko

Today, exactly one year ago, has died King of Pop Michael Jackson before the age of half a century. He died after practicing for a concert schedule facing his resurrection in the music industry which has raised his name, after facing many obstacles in his personal life.
At that time music fans around the world preparing to watch Michael Jackson’s toughness on stage, despite blowing the issue to the world of concert music jackson’s return will reap failure. Despite the physical pain of extremely, Jacko, familiar calls, working to restore the brilliance and passion of his life.

Yes, Jackson was ready to begin the second big leap in her musical career. He seemed very confident to prove to its detractors
which is often mocked her appearance that resembles a clown and live with three children who she raised alone.
The only person who knows exactly the situation Jacko on his deathbed was his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, who gave him medication to help sleep michael jackson, Dr Murray’s trial this year on charges of intentional murder. But many witnesses and the court agreed: Jackson’s last day began like many others.

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